Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today's schedule is D-C-Lunch-A-B

C - Criminology 12 - Today we will be in the library working on our first journal / blog entry. Over the long weekend I asked you to develop your own theory as to why crime happens. I asked you to use the list of brainstormed items from our class discussions, your notes on the history of criminology and from the Crime Theory website. Today you will need to set up a blog for the course. You may use Google's Blogspot, Wordpress, Live Journal, Bloguni, or any other blog creation site you choose. I would HIGHLY recommend staying with blogspot, wordpress, or live journal. You will need to develop a blog, write out your crime theory, and then find an article about a recent crime here in British Columbia. Make a link to the news article on your blogsite and then write how your theory explains the crime.

A - Social Studies 11 - Today your answer to the critical challenge question I posed you last week is due. Mr. Luxemberger will be working with you on the government section of Socials 11 for the next two weeks. Today he will work with you on political ideologies. You'll learn about democracy, communism, fascism, monarchies, oligarchies, dictatorships, and anarchy. Next you'll look at the political ideology spectrum and find out where each type of government structure fits on that spectrum. Lastly, you'll begin to develop some questions that will eventually form the basis of your mid - unit test (February 20th).

B- Social Studies 10 - Today your answers to the geography work I gave you last week is due. Mr. Luxemberger will be working with you on the physical geography section of Socials 10 for the next two weeks. Today he will work with you on getting ready for an in-class persentation that you will make on one of Canada's physiographic regions. After you'll talk about what it means to be Canadian and then you'll work on a question sheet about the video Postcards From Canada - which should take the remainder of the class.

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