Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

Today's schedule is B-A-Lunch-D-C.

B- Earth and Space Science 11 - Today you have a lot of work due. You need to hand in:
  1. Locating the First Break
  2. Q 9, 14, 15, & 16 page 168
  3. Tsunami question
Today I will have you brainstorm a Know-Want to Know chart on volcanoes. You will need to list out what you know (or think you know) about volcanoes (where they are, names, what they can do, etc...) and brainstorm a list of questions you have always wanted to know but never asked. We'll then look at the processes that create magma (temperature, pressure, and water) and you'll have no homework tonight. Don't forget that you have a quiz on tectonics and earthquakes this Thursday (October 30th).

A - Law 12 - Today we will finish the Law & Order episode from Friday and I hope to have a good discussion about responsibility. You will need to get in all of your work from last week (Chapter 7 crossword and all violent crime questions). We will then begin work on the Narcotic Control Act (now called the Controlled Drug and Substances Act) specifically the offences related to the Act (possession and possession for the purpose of trafficking).

D - Geography 12 - Today we're going to the library to start our next project on Mass Wasting. You can find the assignment on Day 33 (the first day of your week 7 package). Unfortunately today is the only day that I can give you for research as the library is booked solid so you'll need to do some research on your own. Here are some websites to help...
Forest Service National Avalanche Center
United States Geological Survey Landslides Hazard
Federal Emergency Management Association Landslide & Debris Flow
National Park Service Mass Wasting
Geological Survey of Canada Landslides
Parks Canada Mountain Guide
University of Kentucky Earth Science Department Mass Wasting animation
Cal State Long Beach Mass Wasting site
National Atlas of the United States Landslides
OUC Foundations of Physical Geography Mass Wasting

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