Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Thursday, February 22. 2018

Today's schedule is D-C-B-A

D Block Human Geography 11 - Today we'll look at the Key Question: Why Do Migrants Face Obstacles? we'll try to understand temporary-work migrants (include guest workers in Europe and the Middle East and, historically, time-contract workers in Asia) along with illegal and unauthorized immigrants. Our goal is to understand why people who immigrate to a country face challenges when they arrive. Specifically I'm interested in the attitudes of people in host countries to immigrants. We'll try to look at the USA and Mexico and compare it to Europe. I'd also like to look at Canada and see whether it is all sunshine and rainbows or whether there's an underbelly of fear here too. You'll need to answer the following:
  1. As you read pages 100-103, “Attitudes toward Immigrants learning Outcome 3.4.3 Describe characteristics of immigrants to the United States”, complete the Venn diagram to compare and contrast attitudes in the U.S. and Europe toward immigrants. 
  2. Americans purchase products made in foreign countries using cheap labor. Is this any different than allowing low-cost labor to immigrate to the United States? How?  Why are employers who knowingly hire undocumented immigrants under less scrutiny than the immigrants themselves?
  3. Why are new migrants to an area frequently the butt of racist or ethnic jokes? Explain in the context of the history of European emigration to the United States. Which groups were more frequently made fun of?

And Europe...

And the USA...

So who supports these anti-Globalization, anti-immigration "Nativist" xenophobic and racist groups?

C Block Criminology 12 - Today you have time to complete yesterday's questions:
  1. Briefly outline and explain the patterns we've identified in victimization (social ecology, household, personal characteristics and repeat victimization)
  2. Explain and compare the three theories of crime victimization

Then, we will focus on the roots of violent crime. So what is violence? The World Health Organization defines it as
“The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal development or deprivation.” 
Now we know what crime is, so violent crime would be an act of force or power against a person or a group which results in injury, death or harm that society sees as repugnant and codifies as illegal behaviour. Okay so why does it happen? Time magazine asked that in 1993
It's tempting to make excuses for violence. The mugger came from a broken home and was trying to lift himself out of poverty. The wife beater was himself abused as a child. The juvenile murderer was exposed to Motley Crue records and Terminator movies. But do environmental factors wholly account for the seven-year-old child who tortures frogs? The teenager who knifes a teacher? The employee who slaughters workmates with an AK-47? Can society's ills really be responsible for all the savagery that is sweeping America? Or could some people be predisposed to violence by their genes?
Today we grapple with those questions. Where does violence and violent crime come from? We'll look at personal traits, ineffective families, evolutionary factors, exposure to violence, cultural values, substance abuse, and firearm availability to see if they are factors that lead to violent crime in Canada.

Now I know it's about War but this Crash Course asks whether humanity is naturally war like (aka Violent)

B Block Introduction to Law 10 - If you have completed the research for your Serial Killer research assignment then you can print off your work and start to assemble your poster (I have poster paper for you). I have been able to secure another day in the library so that you can finish your research or word processing.

A Block Law 12 - Today we will venture off to the library to begin work on our introductory unit major assignment that comes from the Toronto District School Board:

Human rights violations are a daily occurrence throughout the world. These violations take place in both the North and the South and affect the civil, economic, political, cultural, social, and equality rights of human beings. These violations are in direct opposition to the universal and inalienable rights guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Fortunately, organisations around the world work on protecting these rights, partly through education and awareness campaigns

Artists, both visual artists and musicians, often comment on human rights issues through their artwork. Assume the role of the Media Outreach Co-ordinator for a particular human rights organisation (Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, etc.) and research a contemporary case of human rights violations somewhere in the world. Based on your research, create a Human Rights Campaign Poster that educates the greater public about the human rights violations and urges them to take action to end the abuse.


  • Human rights are the basic standards human beings need to live life with freedom and dignity. Human rights include fundamental civil and political rights, such as the right to free speech, to freedom of religion, and the right to participate in government. Human rights also include essential economic, social and cultural rights, such as the right to education, to work, and to healthcare.
  • Human rights are the rights that all people have simply because they are human beings. Each of these rights are inalienable; they cannot be denied or taken away from any individual. They are also indivisible; all human rights are equally important and one right cannot be taken away because it is said to be less important than another.
  • Finally, human rights are interdependent, all human rights are connected and you cannot guarantee one right without ensuring that other rights are protected.
So your task is to...

1. Choose a contemporary case of human rights violations, as well as an organisation that is working on ending the abuse.

2. Research your case study using the following websites: Amnesty International (click on campaigns); Human Rights Watch (click on Global Issues); Oneworld (click on In Depth then Human Rights); United for Human Rights; Youth For Human Rights or the BBC "I Have a Right to..." site and complete the following questions to help with your poster Case Study: What is happening? Where is it taking place? What rights are being violated? Who is having their rights violated? Why are their rights being violated?
3. Create a visually appealing Human Rights Campaign Poster that addresses the human rights violation by incorporating the key information from the questions in point 2 above (in point form) as well as pictures, symbols, and colours. Remember, your poster should seek to draw the attention of the public through the balanced combination of text and visuals in a creative, yet educational manner!

Some examples of Human Rights posters...

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