Sunday, January 12, 2014

Monday, January 13. 2014

Today's schedule is A-AG-B-C-D

A Block Criminology 12 - Today we are off to the library for our next blog assignment and I'd like you to tell me about auto theft. I'd like you to look up information on why people steal cars, where in Canada most cars are stolen from, what types of vehicles are most commonly stolen and I'd like you to tell me how much auto theft is actually happening in Canada (rates). Then I'd like you to tell me methods of protection (how to stop your car from being stolen). The Kanetix website below lists the top vehicles stolen in Canada and check out this article on the Macleans website for the article on the top 100 cities for auto theft in Canada.
Crime Stoppers Bait Car website
Auto Theft Canada Auto theft in Canada

B Block Social Studies 10 - Today, we'll begin our work on the economy of Canada and specifically that of B.C. Today you'll need to begin an economic glossary for Social Studies 10. You need to define the following terms in your own words (and you can find most of them in Chapter 8 starting on page 282-3 of the Horizons text):

  1. business cycle
  2. capital (economic)
  3. Consumer Price Index (CPI)
  4. economic consumption
  5. economic demand
  6. economic market
  7. economic sector
  8. economic supply
  9. goods
  10. branch plants
  11. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
  12. Gross National Product (GNP)
  13. heartland/hinterland
  14. non-renewable resource
  15. manufacturing based economy
  16. primary industry
  17. renewable resource
  18. resource based economy
  19. secondary industry
  20. services
  21. tertiary industry
  22. pre-Industrial (agricultural) society
  23. Industrial (mechanized) society
  24. post-Industrial (technological) society
Tomorrow we'll look at the economies of other regions in Canada and then turn our focus to B.C.

C Block Crime, Media & Society 12 - Today we're back in the library working on the collaborize classroom site. Now for today I'd like you to do two things:
  1. Work on last week's threads on the individual media monitoring project/assignment and on the Media vs. Anthony, Arias, & Zimmerman, then
  2. Work on the Russell  Williams Canadian-American News Coverage thread

D Block Law 12 - On Friday we dealth with marriage requirements (formal and essential). Today, we'll talk about annulment, separation (living separate and apart) and separation agreements. Next, we'll deal with divorce, property division and support obligations. We'll look at: the equal division rule and the matrimonial home; spousal support and self sufficiency; and the types of child guardianship, access, and child support.

As for marriage...In BC sections 28 & 29 of the Marriage Act [RSBC 1996] Chapter 282 indicates consent is required to marry someone under the age of 19 and forbids marriage to someone under the age of 16. Specifically the act states:

28 (1) Except as provided in subsections (2) to (4), a marriage of a person, not being a widower or widow, who is a minor must not be solemnized, and a licence must not be issued, unless consent in writing to the marriage is first given

(a) by both parents of that person if both are living and are joint guardians, or by the parent having sole guardianship if they are not joint guardians or by the surviving parent if one of them is dead,

(b) if both parents are dead, or if neither parent is a guardian, by a lawfully appointed guardian of that person, or

(c) if both parents are dead, and there is no lawfully appointed guardian, by the Public Guardian and Trustee or the Supreme Court.

29 (1) Except as provided in subsections (2) and (3), a marriage of any person under 16 years of age must not be solemnized, and a licence must not be issued.

(2) If, on application to the Supreme Court, a marriage is shown to be expedient and in the interests of the parties, the court may, in its discretion, make an order authorizing the solemnization of and the issuing of a licence for the marriage of any person under 16 years of age.

You should be aware that there are 11 classes remaining until our final exam days and 14 classes remaining until our major project is pressure.

BC Vital Statistics Agency - How to get married in BC
JP Boyd's BC Family Law Resource - Legal Requirements for a valid marriage
MacLean Family Law Group - How to get married in BC

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