Sunday, December 1, 2013

Monday, December 2. 2013

Today's schedule is A-AG-B-C-D

A Block Criminology 12 - Today your journal / blog entry is to post your response to Friday's question:

What are the short and long term impacts on victims of Crime? Use Harper in the Law & Order Special Victim's Unit episode you watched on Friday and Chapter 3 pages 54-7 in CRIM textbook to help.

Next, I'd like you to find an article (news story) about a victim of crime and for that you should outline the impacts of the crime on them. Finally, using the two stories (one fictional and one real) explain what we should do to mitigate (soften the impact) the impacts of crime on victims (be realistic). Don't forget to find stories on crime in Canada check out the Canoe CNews crime archives.

B Block Social Studies 10 - Today we'll shift our focus to our own province, British Columbia, looking first at the Oregon Territory and then early settlement at Fort Victoria along with Governors Blanchard and Douglas. You'll have a few notes on the establishment of Fort Langley (1827) and Fort Victoria (1843) as well as the establishment of Vancouver Island as a colony (1849). I'll have you work on the Douglas Treaties "Get to the Source" activity questions along with question 2 from the bottom of page 212 in the Horizons text.

C Block Crime, Media and Society 12 - Today we're back in the library working on the collaborize classroom site. Just a reminder, when posting on the site it is important to identify yourself with something other than your "handle"...slim, smoidawg, imreadytogo66, jds55, bigmuzzy laundry. I really appreciate that you're willing to post in the on line class but remember "Use each other's names" and "Avoid slang and sarcasm". Now for today I'd like you to do two things:

  1. Finish up your posts on the "Highway of Tears" thread...Remember you need to find out as much as you can on the Highway of Tears and then you need to tell me what you found out about the media's coverage of the Highway of Tears.
  2. Work through the three questions from Friday on the Dateline "My Kid Would Never Do That: Stranger Danger" thread along with the "Big Ideas connecting the two shows" question.
D Block Law 12 - Today we'll go over the ten sob stories who walk through the doors of your imaginary law firm for your major project. After this, I'll go through civil trial procedures with you and give you some notes on summons or statements of claim and the options available when a lawsuit is claimed against you (statement of defence, counterclaims, third party claims, or default judgements). Next I'll explain the benefits of an out of court settlement and identify why negotiating an agreement is better than going to court

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