Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Wednesday, November 6. 2013

Happy Birthday to my son Noah! Today's schedule is B-AG-A-D-C

B Block Social Studies 10 - Today we'll finish our look at confederation (July 1st 1867). We`ll quickly discuss the London Conferences and then look at the division of powers established in the British North America Act. Don`t forget that the USA had just recently been going through a nasty civil war and the states themselves had much greater powers than we assigned to the provinces of Canada. There`s a reason, therefore, we had a much stronger central government as we did not want to see a similar unfortunate event take place in Canada. After this, I'll have you work on your editorial cartoon.

A Block Law 9/10 - Today we'll complete our last small assignment for the course.
  1. Define the following: Arraignment; Direct Evidence; Circumstantial Evidence; Privileged Communication; and Hearsay Evidence
  2. Trial questions 1 and 2 on page 133 along with 
  3. Applying Legal Concepts questions 2 and 4 on page 147
You'll need to use this for your final quiz in tomorrow's class and I'll give you a quick review this morning. Tomorrow we start with the quiz and then we'll head to the library for our last class to work on the fairy tale criminal case assignment.

D Block Law 12 - Today is your Criminal Law mid-unit test. Your first order of business is to relax, then settle in and then dazzle me with what you know. The test should take the main portion of the class today but if you do finish early then you can work on questions 3 & 5 from page 149 and questions 2 & 4 on page 154 of the All About Law text (the role of the police and the extent of their powers). If you prepared then I'm certain that you'll do fine on the test today. There are about two and a half weeks left in the Criminal Law unit (finishing pre-trial and then moving into trial procedures and sentencing options) and after we'll begin our focus on Civil Law in Canada.

C Block Criminology 12 - Today we start with your last quiz in the course. This quiz covers our property crime and white collar crime units in Criminology. After we are finished the quiz you will continue presenting your criminology topics for our seminar presentations and I sincerely look forward to what you found interesting about Criminology. Best of luck. If you are interested UFV, VIU and SFU (including the CrimOne first year expertience program @ SFU Surrey) offer Criminology degrees here in British Columbia. You can also find Criminology diploma programs at Douglas College, North Island College (here in the Comox Valley) and Kwantlen Polytechnic University. You can also find programs on policing and criminal justice at the Justice Institute of BC.

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