Monday, June 10, 2013

Tuesday, June 11. 2013

Today's schedule is C-AG-D-A-B

C Block Social Studies 10 - Today we are back in the library for day two of research on your family history assignment. Remember, your task is to research your family history, which includes learning how to conduct academic research, making critical evaluations regarding sources, and managing information. Please remember that I want you to focus on the context of history- did your ancestor fight in the war of 1812? What was life like for farmers during early settlement of the west? Why do you have American relatives? Use the primary documents and stories you find to uncover what daily life might have been like for your relatives.
Government of Canada Geneaology Site
American National Archives
Pier 21 Immigration Museum Research Canada
Ellis Island - U.S. Immigration
Climbing Your Family Tree
Family Search
BC Department of Vital Statistics

D Block Criminology 12 - Today we start with your last quiz in the course. This quiz covers our property crime and white collar crime units in Criminology. After we are finished the quiz you will get a handout on Organized crime (aboriginal crime groups, cartels, ethnic crime groups, and outlaw motorcycle gangs) and will need to explain the activities of each group: What do they do? How do they do it? What do they control? Where are they based in Canada? Organized crime by nature (according to Howard Abadinsky) is monopolistic (in other words organized crime groups want to have a monopoly over a specific geographic area for the illicit activity they wish to pursue). Your answers to the question of organized crime in Canada need to be completed by the end of the class (Note: use the section in your text to help as well). For more stories about organized crime (especially a particularly interesting court case in Ontario and Manitoba involving the Bandidos) see:
CANOE Crime News Archive
RCMP Gazette: Street Gangs in Canada
CBC News: Biker Gangs in Canada
Prime Time Crime: Gangs in Canada
RCMP Watch: Asian Gangs in Canada
Criminal Intelligence Service Canada: Street Gang Activity

B Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll begin our look at human-social geography. We will start with population issues and today you'll get a handout on the history of human population. We'll talk about fertility (crude birth rates) and mortality (crude death rates) and the RNI (rate of natural increase). We'll examine population pyramids and the demographic transition model. Estimates are that in October 2011 the population of the world hit the 7 Billion mark. What does that mean for you?

Find out what your population number is at the BBC site here.

We'll look at the 2012 World Population Data Sheet (using both the PRB Interactive Map and the pdf data sheet) to see current trends and numbers in world population. Lastly We'll look at the Demographic Transition Model and examine the four stages of population change along with some population pyramids

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