Monday, April 29, 2013

Tuesday, April 30. 2013

Today's schedule is C-AG-D-A-B

C Block Social Studies 10 - Today we'll shift our focus to our own province, British Columbia, looking first at the Oregon Territory and then early settlement at Fort Victoria along with Governors Blanchard and Douglas. You'll have a few notes on the establishment of Fort Langley (1827) and Fort Victoria (1843) as well as the establishment of Vancouver Island as a colony (1849). I'll have you work on the Douglas Treaties "Get to the Source" activity questions along with question 2 from the bottom of page 212 in the Horizons text.

D Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll start with a second look at the BC Crime trends from 1998 - 2007 and then we'll talk about the disparity (difference) between the public perception of violent crime and the actual rates of violent crime in Canada...hint take a look to the left. The crime data indicate that rates have declined significantly in the past few years and are now far less than they were a decade ago. Suspected causes for the crime rate drop include an increasing prison population, more police on the street, the end of the crack epidemic and the age structure of society. The data sources show relatively stable patterns in the crime rate. Ecological patterns show that crime varies by season and by urban versus rural environment, however there is evidence of gender patterns in the crime rate: Men commit more crime than women. Age is one of the largest influences on crime; young people commit more crime than the elderly (and there are fewer young people in society). Crime data show that people commit less crime as they age, but the significance and cause of this pattern are still not completely understood. Similarly, racial and class patterns appear in the crime rate. However, it is still unclear whether these are true differences or a function of discriminatory law enforcement.
So we'll look at the trends in crime here in Canada and then...

B Block Social Studies 11 - We'll continue with yesterday's work on economic cycles on how material consumption drives the North American economic market and determine what impact losses on the stock market has on consumer confidence. We'll try to understand stocks and shares, supply and demand, and the costs of using credit. We'll also look at protectionism and see how it impacts international markets. We'll watch a few Brain Pop videos and then you have to work on question 1 a & b from page 79 in Counterpoints. After, we'll discuss the changes in the social fabric of Canadian society as a result of the Great Depression in the 1930's. You and a partner will work together on the Using Statistics in History questions 1 a, b, 3, and 4 from page 81 in the Counterpoints text. By doing this we will be able to see the impacts of the Great Depression on the Prairies in 1932 and 1933.

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