Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Wednesday, March 6. 2013

Today's schedule is B-AG-A-D-C

B Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll start with the Charter. I'll go over your fundamental freedoms (section 2), your legal rights (sections 7-14) and your equality rights (section 15). After I'll have you work on questions 1-3 on page 303 dealing with the Abrams v. Doug Collins & North Shore Free Press Ltd. (1996) B.C. human rights tribunal case (you don't have to write a letter just state your opinion and back it up with sound charter and legal reasoning). Just a reminder that there will be speeches tomorrow. You'll need to explain your party platform and try to convince some savvy voters as to why they should choose your party to run room 611. I do like the campaign visuals around our riding (room 611) and the social media platforms you've created for your parties...Good Luck.

A Block Law 9/10 - Today we will continue our look at crime scene investigation. We will look at the basic stages of a search, documenting evidence, and examples of what is included in a crime scene investigator's toolkit. Next I'll have you work on your detective skills...I'll give you a crime scenario (the Backpack mystery) and then you'll need to: research the clues; evaluate the evidence; consider means, motive and opportunity; and explain who you think committed the criminal offense. After this, you may continue your work on the crime scene investigation project (Clue Us In). You'll have three blocks of time in the library next week to finish up this crime scene reconstruction activity and the assignment is due next Friday, March 22nd, 2013. I posted the details of this assignment on this blogsite so check out yesterday's entry for help.

C Block Social Studies 10 - Yesterday to I asked you to define the following: Family Compact, United Empire Loyalist, Clergy Reserves, Assembly, and Governor and then to work on the two questions on the "Get to the Source: The Family Compact" section on page 53 of Horizons. You'll have a bit of time to finish that work up and then we are going to work on the four causes of discontent in Upper Canada that led to the Rebellion of 1837. We'll look at the colonial government structure (Governor appointed members of the Executive and Legislative Councils that routinely ignored the wishes of the elected Assembly) and the ruling colonial elite (Anglican Church, the wealthy United Empire Loyalists and the business people, bankers, lawyers and military leaders that formed the Family Compact). We'll also look at the problem of land distribution (only 10% of all land in the colony was being farmed while the remaining land was being held on the possibility of accruing wealth for the Family Compact and the Anglican Church) and Transport (canals like the Welland Canal and not roads).

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