Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Thursday, March 7. 2013

Today's schedule is D-AG-C-B-A

C Block Social Studies 10 - Today we'll look at the ethnic "diversity" of Canada in the 1800's. I'll have you use the information from page 59, Figure 2-18, to construct a pie graph showing the percentage of the 1871 population who were: French, Irish, English, Scottish, or Other. We'll look at the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman and Mary Ann Shadd. Lastly you'll need to work on questions 2, 4, and 5 from page 64 of the Horizons text. For more on the Underground Railroad see:
The Underground Railroad (Scholastic)
The Underground Railroad (National Geographic)
Tracks to Freedom: Canada & The Underground Railroad
The Underground Railroad: Freedom Trail
PBS Africans in America: The Underground Railroad
Mary Ann Shadd Biography
Black History Canada: The Underground Railroad

B Block Social Studies 11 - CAMPAIGN ALERT...Today is speech day. You will have no more than 3-4 minutes to present your ideas to a group of voters (who will actually vote tomorrow in their polling station - A.K.A. - their class). Be aware that they may ask questions and expect answers from you in this heated and highly anticipated last minute push for the election finish line. In no particular order we will hear from: the Nationalism Party; the Tree Party; the Political Awareness of Rights to Youth (PARTY) Party; the Surprise Party; the People's Rights Party (PRPO); the Tomorrow Party; the Alacrity Party; and the Tea Party. Once the speeches are over I'll need you to hand in your campaign materials (your party platform) so that I can have a copy to review. Tomorrow we'll talk about group evaluations and the voting and tabulation stages will determine a winner (don't forget prizes will mystically appear on Monday for winners). In the time that remains you may finish working on the Abrams v. Doug Collins & North Shore Free Press Ltd. (1996) B.C. human rights tribunal case (q 1-3). You may also work on your pressure group/lobbyist, media and civil disobedience questions (as only 9 of you have this complete and handed in).

A Block Law 9/10 - Today we will continue our look at criminal forensics by looking at how investigators estimate time of death, how fingerprints are "lifted" at a crime scene (including what AFIS is), what the "Four T's" are for marks at a scene, how fibres are used, and what ballistics is. After this, you may continue your work on the crime scene investigation project (Clue Us In). You'll have three blocks of time in the library next week to finish up this crime scene reconstruction activity and the assignment is due next Friday, March 22nd, 2013. For more on Forensic Science, check out SFU's "So you want to be a Forensic Scientist" webpage or check out the "All you ever wanted to know about Forensic Science in Canada but didn't know who to ask" booklet compiled by Dr. Gail Anderson and posted by the Canadian Society of Forensic Science

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