Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Today's schedule is B-A-Lunch-D-C.

B- Earth and Space Science 11 - Today we turn our attention to the atmosphere. We will take a diagram down about the temperature / pressure changes throughout the vertical extent of the atmosphere (see below). I'll ask you to look at the composition of the atmosphere and the differences between the Earth's original atmosphere and our modern atmosphere. After I'll ask you to complete "For Review" questions 1, 2, 4, and 7. You will also need to explain the composition (heat & pressure changes along with significant properties) of the bottom two layers of the atmosphere.

A - Law 12
- Today we take a look at the differences between Criminal and Civil law. We'll take down a chart on these differences and then I'll read out a civil case for us to discuss. After I would like you to read the Thomas v Hamilton Board of Education (1994) case and complete questions 1, 2, 3, 4, & 6 on page 272. Tomorrow I'll give you your case study project and we'll review the cases together as a class.

D - Geography 12 - Today we will look at reading a weather map. You can practice by using the following web pages:
Wisconsin station model exercise
WW2010 University of Illinois weather page
Weather Report.com
Your activity is to be the weather forecaster for Detroit Michigan and on page 8 of your week 12 package look at the synoptic chart figure out the probable weather for the next two days. Tomorrow we'll be off to the library to begin our work on the Severe Weather power point project.

C - Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today we will finish the CSI episode "Burden of Proof". It is important to look at the evidence and how it led to the investigators discovering who committed the crime. Notice the plot twists related to the discovery of evidence? For the rest of the class you'll have the opportunity to look at previous examples of the crime scene reconstruction activity that I assigned you last week. You should begin your planning and please take note: this assignment is due Monday, December 14th. I will give you class time to continue working on this assignment as the week goes along.

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